Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Code Red 2: Life Sentence: Info

Okay, so it’s been awhile.  And I have no excuse because, if you had any idea how many pieces I have written in this series, you’d shoot me for holding them hostage.  Or well, maybe not.  LOL

Anyway, I’ve been trying to find a better way to tie the first part in with what came after, and I think I have come to a workable solution.  If not, I’m sure you’ll let me know.  *glares at certain somebodies*  This might take longer to get posted and updated because things have changed in Ali’s world since I first started writing this and I need to make sure I have all my fact straight. LOL  Can’t have Ali complaining now, can I?  She does enough of that crap without a reason.  GIVE her a reason?  *shudders*


Happy Wednesday Faithful Reader (or two)!


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